Organizations with a company license for Dialog have access to the company administration console. This allows them to create, modify, and delete projects. Additionally, it is possible to modify the settings of these projects, including the users.
You can access the administration console through the 'project selection screen' that appears after logging in. In the administration console, you will see an overview of all projects and can create a new project:
- Click on 'add_circle_outlined Project.'
- Enter the name of the project.
- Select the applicable modules for the project.
- Define the project area by drawing a polygon on the map.
- Click on 'Add.'
Once the project is created, users can be added or modified.
Creating users
Gebruikers kunnen aangemaakt worden door op het desbetreffende project te klikken in het projectenoverzicht.
- Click on the respective project in the project overview.
- Click on the 'Users' tab.
- Click on 'add_circle_outlined User.'
- Enter the user's name (first and last name).
- Enter the user's email address.
- Select the user's permissions (read or write).
- Optionally, select whether this user will have administrator rights for this project.
- Click on 'Add.'
- The user will now automatically receive an email with information to log in to this project.
You can modify users by clicking on the user in the user overview. Please note that an email address cannot be changed.
Modifying projects
After creating a project, you can modify or delete it. To modify the project, click on the project in the project overview. To delete the project, click on the trash can icon in the project overview.